What is a data analyst?

The data analyst performs one of the most sought-after professions in the digital age. He is responsible for analyzing large data sets to identify trends and patterns, collecting, filtering and interpreting databases to help companies make decisions. He requires in-depth knowledge of analysis tools and techniques, as well as understanding of statistics and data modeling. He must also communicate results to managers and other team members. He plays a key role in proposal development processes and creating value for companies in the era of big data.

The data analyst can work in practically any sector, including the industrial sector, finance, business, marketing, sales, and can even participate in data analysis and statistics in the medical sector.

Data Analyst Profile

To become a data analyst, it is necessary to develop the skills required by the job position and the requirements established by most companies. Although it is not essential to have a university degree, you must have training in practical skills in database management, analysis and programming tools in languages ​​​​such as Python, R, SQL, as well as solid knowledge in statistics, including the management of regressions and multivariate analysis. The most important points when evaluating the profile of a data analyst are the following.

• Proficiency in the use of programs to extract data from primary and secondary sources.

• Mathematical skills to collect, organize and analyze large databases.

• Knowledge of programming languages ​​such as SQL and Python.

• Knowledge of the main software for data visualization, such as Power BI and Qlik.

Many companies also value that a data analyst, in addition to covering the technical aspects, has teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, among other things.

Main functions and responsibilities of the data analyst

The data analyst has several key responsibilities, including:

• Collect and clean large data sets to ensure accuracy and analysis.

• Apply statistical tools and techniques to identify patterns and trends among data.

• Present the results of the analysis in a clear and concise manner to the company so that they can make better decisions regarding the business.

• Create attractive and understandable data graphs to present analysis results.

• Communicate the results of the analysis to managers and other team members.

• Be competent in the technical and social skills necessary for success in the position.

The job offer for data analysts

The volume of data in the world is growing exponentially. By some estimates, 90% of the world's data has been created in the last two years and growth of 40% annually is predicted. In 2020, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created, which represents an increase of 314% compared to 2015.

As the amount of data being generated grows and new technologies enable meaningful insights and information, businesses across all industries need specialists who can harness that data and use it to help them solve key business problems. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs for analysts is expected to grow by 23% between 2021 and 2031. This makes developing a career as a data analyst attractive, especially because The supply of professionals dedicated to data analysis is very low, and the demand from companies looking for a data analyst to include on their payroll is very high. In addition, you can find remote job positions and the salaries that are available. They offer are usually quite competitive.

The reference average salaries for the United States and Europe are as follows:

• In Spain the range goes from 33,000 € to 50,000 € per year.

• In the United States, the average is 77,006 $.

• In England the average is 53,146.70 $ per year.

• In Germany the average is 66,442.40 $ per year.

The reference of average salaries in other countries are the following:

• In Mexico the average is 16,248 $ annually.

• In Brazil the average is 15,438.12 $ per year.

• In Colombia the average is 12,011.28 $ annually.

Our offer in training programs

32 Weeks
Weekly Study
15 - 20 Hours
100% Online
Total Cost
420 $

Data Analyst

The data analyst training program prepares professionals with the profile to learn to organize data sets, find patterns, discover new results, present conclusions in the form of visual objects and share resources between users of work teams in the form of reports with Power BI.

34 Semanas
Horas Semanales
15 - 20 Horas
100% Online
Costo Total
1814 $

Analista de Datos


Inglés Profesional

El programa de formación de analista de datos con inglés para profesionales, prepara a candidatos y profesionales con el perfil de un analista de datos y con el nivel de inglés adecuado, para desarrollar sus habilidades en el mundo laboral en un ambiente en inglés, esto lo hace atractivo a las empresas para trabajar con los profesionales graduados de este programa.